Project Overview

20 million tons of agro-waste is being burnt in the states of Haryana and Punjab every year. The majority of them are Rice Straw which doesn't have any market value. 25 million people suffer in Delhi NCR due to severe air pollution caused by this agro-waste burning. India is home to 46.6 million stunted children, most of them lacking the basic nutrients. Over 7000 indians die of hunger every day. 50% of the elderly population of India is suffering from malnutrition. Apart from this, Of the estimated 5,600 tonnes of plastic waste generated in India daily, a huge portion of single-use plastic in our collective footprint comes from dining cutlery.

Project Waraq aims to tackle the three-fold issue of food insecurity, Air Pollution and Unemployment. Our biodegradable plates are a special eco-friendly product made from post-consumer materials like stubble and agricultural waste embedded with vegetable seeds.

Project Avenues

Our biodegradable plates are a special eco-friendly product made from post-consumer materials like stubble and agricultural waste embedded with vegetable seeds. When you plant the plate after use, in a pot of soil or outside in a garden, the seeds in the paper germinate and grow into plants. After using the plate, it will be taken care of by our beneficiaries and effectively be used by planting it into soil, which will grow into an all new plant providing vegetables/fruit. After the whole production process these vegetables and fruits will eliminate the food insecurity of the malnourished students in the school.


Not only are we working towards curbing two of the major environmental evils of stubble burning and disposable plastics, we are creating a circular flow of food production and consumption by enhancing the nutrition level in food of children within the student age bracket while also advancing our goals towards afforestation. Project Waraq aims to tackle the problem of food insecurity, Air Pollution, Unemployment.

Sustainable Development Goals Fulfilled