Project Overview

Over 377 million urban people live in 7,935 towns and cities and generate 62 million tonnes of municipal solid waste per annum. Only 43 million tonnes of the waste is collected, 11.9 million tonnes is treated and 31 million tonnes is dumped in landfill sites.

Project Swabun is an initiative towards better sanitation and waste management practices apart from being an attempt to work against water, land and air pollution.

We move together towards building sustainable products and making them accessible, acceptable and affordable.

Project Avenues

Past Avenue

Seher and Dravya: The project involved procuring one-time-used soaps from hotels and resorts followed by recycling them into new soaps by employing underprivileged women who have been victims of substance abuse and prostitution.

Present Avenue

Presently, our main avenue is the Matka Composter. To reduce the issues related to careless disposal and inefficient waste management practices, we devised an eco friendly model of a terracotta home composter which is a stack of 3 terracotta pots and helps in the systematic process of composting. The compost is then put to various uses by different groups of people and ensures an eco friendly approach towards waste in general. The composters are made by the potters of the Kumhar Colony, who find an alternative source of income through this avenue.


We at Project Swabun, aim towards a safer and healthier environment by ensuring proper sanitation and efficient waste management practices. Easier access to cleaner options for ensuring sanitation is our utmost priority.

Sustainable Development Goals Fulfilled

Our Collaborations