Project Overview

As per UN report, India tops the hunger list, 1 in 4 children are stunted, famished, and malnourished and over 20 crore Indians go to sleep with an empty stomach. Also, according to statistics, 43% of the young people are engaged in the consumption of Drugs. About 10 million young people require substance abuse treatment throughout the nation. The alarming rates demand attention to provide a dignified life to the victims of substance abuse.

Project Bawarchi is an endeavor to work towards solving the problem of food security while providing rehabilitation to victims of substance abuse, break taboos, remove apprehension and stigma related to substance abuse and help these young people get one step closer to mainstream growth.

Sprout Cafe

Project Bawarchi, an initiative of Enactus Ramjas, has been working relentlessly towards solving the problem of food insecurity. We do so, by not only providing affordable food to people but also by rehabilitating victims of substance abuse. Located in Mukherjee Nagar, the Sprout Café was opened by Project Bawarchi as a part of the same initiative! It's all about delicious food, reasonable rates and serves a very important social cause behind it.

Project Avenues


Under this avenue, canteens were set up that were exclusively run and managed by victims of substance abuse.

Food Cart

This avenue, popularly known as ‘Bawarchi on wheels’ had food carts stationed at various locations of Delhi and was popular amongst workers.

Food for Seven

With an aim to tackle the issue of chronic hunger, the avenue strived to provide quality meals at subsidized costs in shelter homes across Delhi.


Acknowledging the fact that victims of Drug and substance Use are shunned by society and are considered a burden, Project Bawarchi aims to rehabilitate them, transform them into constructive assets and help them regain their status in society.

Sustainable Development Goals Fulfilled

Our Collaborations