Project Overview

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that almost 30% of the world population lacks access to essential medicines and the cost of pharmaceuticals is the main reason which hampers its access to the poor and thus the rural sector faces a major crisis in terms of penetration of healthcare facilities.

Project Aarogya is an attempt to pave a way for affordable, accessible, and acceptable healthcare facilities in rural areas, to improve the health standards of the country. Through various avenues initiated to ensure the availability of basic health care facilities even in the remotest of areas, we strive to build a more accessible medical system for every individual.

77-Second Films of Action & Impact

Demonstrating insights, innovation and impact of Project Aarogya

Project Avenues


With campaigns like ‘Emotions Anonymous’, a twelve-step program for recovery from mental and emotional illness, and ‘For A Happy You’, a mental health campaign, Project Aarogya has always strived to achieve the holistic well-being of individuals.

Past Avenue

Collection Centres: The samples of different patients were collected by a technician and the results for them were provided the very next day. Mental Health Wings: These were set up in the premises of clinics, nursing homes and Mental health consultation services were provided at low cost.

Present Avenue

Aarogya Pharmacies: Providing generic medicines and making the public aware of the existence of these cheap, yet effective medicines of the same composition as that of their branded counterparts.
Tele Consultation: Providing clinical consultation via digital platforms.


Abiding by the concept that Healthcare is a necessity and not a luxury, Project Aarogya is striving to build an emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy society by providing quality healthcare to rural and peri areas so that it is accessible and affordable.

Sustainable Development Goals Fulfilled

Our Collaborations